Journal Systems Komunikasi Organisasi Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan2024-10-30T04:14:19+00:00Ni<p><em>The purpose of this study is to explain the role of organizational communication in improving employee performance. The hypothesis proposed that organizations can improve employee performance through good organizational communication can be accepted and proven from the results of previous studies. The better organizational communication is carried out, the better employee performance. This means that organizational communication helps employees achieve maximum work targets because superiors can provide guidance, information, or direction so that employees can work better through effective communication. Effective organizational communication starts with good relationships between organizational members, employees who are happy with organizational communication will have healthy relationships with other members and information can flow well in the organization.</em></p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSENAMA Innovations In The Modern Workplace: A Systematic Literature Review2024-10-30T04:20:19+00:00I Wayan<p><em>The millennial generation's role in the modern era has brought new expectations and preferences for workplace innovation. Understanding the factors that drive innovation among millennials has become crucial for organizations to enhance their competitiveness and adapt to the constantly changing market demands. This study aims to conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify the key factors that drive innovation in the workplace among millennials. This review is essential to provide insights for organizations on effective ways to support innovation among the millennial generation, which currently dominates the workforce. The research findings are expected to help organizations design strategies and practices that align with millennial preferences to enhance creativity and productivity. The SLR method looked at 31 relevant articles and found six main factors that motivate millennials to innovate at work: an open and welcoming culture, an entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial spirit, flexible work arrangements, the ability to work from home, the use of advanced digital tools, and performance review systems that are based on results. Based on these findings, organizations are encouraged to consider these aspects to support innovation among millennials and enhance their competitiveness in the dynamic business environment of the present era.</em></p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSENAMA Motivasi Kerja dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Bringin Karya Sejahtera Kantor Cabang Denpasar2024-10-30T04:24:26+00:00I<p><em>This research aims to determine the job satisfaction of PT employees. Bringin Karya Sejahtera Denpasar Branch Office. Job satisfaction not only determines employee welfare, but also has a significant impact on company performance and sustainability. By understanding the factors that influence job satisfaction, companies can design more effective strategies to increase productivity and retain quality employees. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method involving 35 employees from various positions in the company. The research results show that partial work motivation on job satisfaction shows an influence that is not positive and not significant. Meanwhile, the work environment partially shows a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction. Simultaneously, work motivation and work environment show a positive and significant influence on employee job satisfaction. The conclusions of this research underline the important role of work motivation and work environment in increasing employee job satisfaction. These findings provide practical implications for PT management. Bringin Karya Sejahtera Denpasar Branch Office to focus on improving motivational aspects and creating a conducive work environment. By paying attention to these two factors, companies can increase job satisfaction which in turn will have a positive impact on individual and overall organizational performance. This research also opens up opportunities for further studies to explore other variables that can influence job satisfaction, such as leadership, organizational culture, and work-life balance.</em></p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSENAMA Impact of Workplace Romance and Sexual Harassment towards Organizational Performance and Stability: A Literature Review2024-10-30T04:29:21+00:00Vian Ahmad Nugroho Dwi Dwi Sony<p><em>This study explores the relationship between workplace romance and sexual harassment and their effects on organizational performance and stability. While workplace romance can enhance job satisfaction and corporate culture, it also presents challenges such as privacy invasion, gossip, and workplace disruption. Particularly, romances involving hierarchical dynamics risk favoritism, conflicts of interest, and perceptions of sexual harassment, leading to reduced employee morale and organizational trust. Sexual harassment is recognized as a serious threat to organizational well-being, causing psychological distress, decreased job satisfaction, and increased turnover intention. The study highlights the need for fairness in management practices to mitigate negative impacts and foster a respectful, inclusive work environment. The research utilized a systematic review of journal articles, focusing on the implications of workplace romance and sexual harassment across various organizational settings. Data were gathered from multiple sources, including Scopus and Google Scholar, to synthesize findings and discuss broader implications for organizational stability and performance. The study’s key findings underscore the dual nature of workplace romance, which can either positively influence organizational culture or lead to conflict and legal issues, depending on management practices. Additionally, the research emphasizes the extensive impact of sexual harassment on employee well-being and organizational dynamics, including significant legal and reputational risks. The study advocates for comprehensive organizational policies addressing workplace romance and sexual harassment, along with preventive measures to maintain a conducive work environment, uphold justice, and protect employee well-being. It concludes by recommending further research to develop standardized tools for assessing the long-term effects of these issues on organizational outcomes and to examine the role of organizational culture in shaping responses to workplace romance and harassment.</em></p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSENAMA Hambatan dan Manfaat Pelaksanaan E-Procurement Pada Pemerintahan Timor-Leste2024-10-30T04:32:15+00:00Desni<p>Perkembangan teknologi informasi telah membawa perubahan signifikan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk dalam sektor pemerintahan, termasuk penerapan e-procurement. Timor-Leste, sebagai negara yang relatif baru merdeka, menghadapi banyak tantangan dalam pembangunan infrastrukturnya, termasuk dalam hal pengadaan barang dan jasa. Sebelum adanya e-procurement, proses pengadaan di Timor-Leste sering kali diwarnai oleh berbagai masalah seperti birokrasi yang berbelit, kurangnya transparansi, dan potensi korupsi. E-procurement diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi, transparansi, dan akuntabilitas dalam proses pengadaan barang dan jasa di pemerintahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hambatan dan manfaat pelaksanaan e-procurement di pemerintahan Timor-Leste. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur kualitatif, dengan mengumpulkan dan menganalisis berbagai sumber dari jurnal, buku, dan laporan terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan e-procurement di Timor-Leste menghadapi beberapa hambatan, termasuk keterbatasan infrastruktur teknologi, kurangnya pelatihan dan keterampilan teknis bagi pegawai, serta resistensi terhadap perubahan dari pihak-pihak yang terlibat. Meskipun demikian, e-procurement juga menawarkan sejumlah manfaat signifikan, seperti peningkatan transparansi dan akuntabilitas, efisiensi dalam proses pengadaan, serta pengurangan biaya operasional. Studi ini memberikan wawasan penting bagi pemerintah dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya untuk memahami tantangan dan peluang dalam mengimplementasikan e-procurement. Berdasarkan kesimpulan disarankan untuk dilaksanakan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang efektivitas implementasi e-procurement pada semua bidang di wilayah Timor Leste.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSENAMA Literasi Digital dalam Memoderasi Pengaruh Persepsi Risiko, Kepedulian Lingkungan, dan Literasi Keuangan terhadap Niat Pembelian Investasi Hijau pada Generasi Z di Kota Surabaya2024-10-30T04:35:00+00:00David<p>Literasi digital memainkan peran krusial dalam membentuk perilaku konsumen, termasuk minat terhadap investasi hijau. Generasi Z, sebagai generasi digital native memiliki karakteristik unik dalam pengambilan keputusan finansial termasuk minat terhadap investasi hijau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh literasi digital, persepsi risiko, kepedulian lingkungan, dan literasi keuangan terhadap niat pembelian investasi hijau pada Generasi Z di Surabaya. Metode kuantitatif dengan analisis SEM-PLS digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis pada 101 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa literasi keuangan dan kepedulian lingkungan memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap niat pembelian investasi hijau, sementara persepsi risiko tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Variabel moderasi literasi digital tidak mampu memperkuat hubungan antara variabel independen dan dependen. Hasil penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya peran literasi keuangan dan kesadaran lingkungan dalam mempromosikan investasi hijau di kalangan generasi muda. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah perlunya pengembangan produk investasi hijau yang lebih sesuai dengan preferensi Generasi Z serta upaya untuk meningkatkan literasi keuangan dan kesadaran lingkungan di kalangan generasi muda.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSENAMA Daya Saing Ekspor Biji Kakao Indonesia di Pasar Internasional Tahun 2011-20212024-10-30T04:39:31+00:00Adzroo<p>Sektor perkebunan Indonesia menjadi salah satu bagian penting bagi perekonomian nasional karena memiliki beberapa jenis komoditas unggulan yang diperdagangkan dalam pasar internasional melalui ekspor, salah satunya yakni biji kakao. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis daya saing ekspor biji kakao Indonesia di pasar internasional selama periode 2011-2021 dengan fokus pada negara tujuan utama yaitu Malaysia, Singapura, China, dan Jerman. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang menerapkan metode Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) untuk mengukur keunggulan komparatif ekspor biji kakao Indonesia ke empat negara tujuan. Data yang digunakan mencakup nilai ekspor kakao Indonesia, total nilai ekspor Indonesia, nilai ekspor kakao dunia, dan total nilai ekspor dunia yang diperoleh dari UN Comtrade dan International Trade Centre (ITC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki keunggulan komparatif dalam ekspor biji kakao ke negara China dan Jerman, yang ditandai dengan nilai RCA yang tinggi. Sementara itu, nilai ekspor ke negara Malaysia dan Singapura cenderung mengalami penurunan yang signifikan tiap tahunnya. Ekspor biji kakao membawa kontribusi yang besar bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan strategi yang matang dan dukungan dari pemerintah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas di sektor kakao Indonesia.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSENAMA Manajemen Risiko Berbasis ESG terhadap Nilai Pemegang Saham dan Persepsi Pasar: Tinjauan Pustaka Sistematis2024-10-30T04:44:27+00:00Dimas<p>Pengaruh Manajemen Risiko Berbasis ESG terhadap Nilai Pemegang Saham dan Persepsi Pasar merupakan bidang studi penting yang meneliti dampak pertimbangan <em>Environment, Social, and Governance</em> (ESG) terhadap keputusan investor jangka panjang, praktik manajemen risiko perusahaan, dan persepsi pasar. Melalui tinjauan pustaka sistematis, penelitian ini menyelidiki hubungan multifaset antara faktor ESG dan berbagai aspek operasi bisnis dan hasil keuangan. Analisis tersebut mengungkapkan bahwa perusahaan yang memprioritaskan aktivitas ESG cenderung menarik modal secara lebih efisien, mengarah pada biaya ekuitas dan utang yang lebih rendah, dan pada akhirnya memaksimalkan nilai pemegang saham melalui pengurangan risiko. Selain itu, integrasi pertimbangan ESG berdampak langsung pada nilai perusahaan, secara positif memengaruhi kapitalisasi pasar dan persepsi investor. Peringkat ESG memainkan peran penting dalam memengaruhi kinerja pasar, perilaku investor, dan stabilitas keuangan. Dengan memasukkan keberlanjutan dalam praktik manajemen risiko dan penilaian risiko keuangan perusahaan, perusahaan dapat meningkatkan daya saing pasar mereka dan mengelola risiko secara efektif, sehingga memengaruhi persepsi pasar terhadap ketahanan dan praktik mereka yang bertanggung jawab. Penelitian ini menggarisbawahi dampak transformatif integrasi ESG dalam mendorong penciptaan nilai jangka panjang, manajemen risiko, dan daya saing pasar dalam lanskap bisnis yang dinamis saat ini.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSENAMA Role of Blue Economy On Indonesia Eco-Tourism By Empowering Local Communities: A Literature Review2024-10-30T04:49:42+00:00Muhammad<p>The Blue Economy presents significant opportunities for Indonesia to enhance its tourism sector while empowering local communities through sustainable practices. This framework emphasizes the responsible use of marine resources, promoting eco-tourism and empowering local communities. By encouraging community involvement in decision-making processes, the blue economy facilitates equitable distribution of tourism benefits, thereby improving livelihoods and positively impacting social dynamics. However, the successful implementation of the blue economy in Indonesia faces challenges, including climate change impacts, waste management issues, and the need for inclusive governance. To address these challenges, policies that consider the interests of all stakeholders must be developed to unlock the full potential of the blue economy. Ultimately, by prioritizing sustainability and community empowerment, Indonesia can create a resilient tourism industry that balances economic growth with environmental stewardship, paving the way for a prosperous and equitable future for its coastal communities. This study will review relevant academic articles to examine the potential of the Blue Economy in developing coastal economies on Indonesia</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSENAMA Promosi DAN Citra Merek Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pond’s Di Tiktok Shop2024-10-30T05:13:02+00:00Fitri<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Promosi Penjualan dan Citra Merek terhadap keputusan pembelian produk Pond’s. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 100 pengikut TikTok Shop Pond’s Indonesia, menggunakan teknik probability sampling. Terdapat dua variabel bebas, yaitu Promosi Penjualan dan Citra Merek, serta satu variabel terikat, yaitu keputusan pembelian. Analisis data mencakup uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik (normalitas, multikolinearitas, dan heteroskedastisitas), regresi linear berganda, serta uji hipotesis (uji t, uji F, dan uji R²). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua indikator yang digunakan valid dan reliabel. Uji asumsi klasik menunjukkan data berdistribusi normal tanpa masalah heteroskedastisitas dan multikolinieritas. Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa Promosi Penjualan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian, sedangkan Citra Merek memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan. Uji F menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan, Promosi Penjualan dan Citra Merek berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian. Penelitian ini memberikan implikasi praktis bagi strategi pemasaran Pond’s dan memberikan wawasan tambahan untuk penelitian lebih lanjut terkait faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keputusan pembelian di platform media sosial.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSENAMA Impact of Work-Life Balance on Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, and Workplace Engagement Among Generation Z Employees: A Comprehensive Analysis2024-10-30T05:18:40+00:00Septian<p>This research explores the impact of work-life balance on job satisfaction, job performance, and workplace engagement among Generation Z employees. As this cohort increasingly enters the workforce, understanding their unique expectations regarding work-life integration becomes essential for organizations aiming to enhance employee outcomes. A literature review reveals a consistent positive correlation between work-life balance and job satisfaction, with studies indicating that employees who perceive a favorable work-life balance report higher levels of job satisfaction and engagement. For instance, research by highlights that work-life balance significantly influences job satisfaction and performance among both Millennials and Generation Z (Waworuntu et al., 2022). Furthermore, the findings suggest that work-life balance not only enhances job satisfaction but also positively impacts job performance, as evidenced by studies indicating that supportive workplace policies and flexibility are crucial for fostering engagement (Bataineh, 2019; Thakur & Madhu, 2019). However, limitations in the existing literature, such as reliance on self-reported measures and a lack of longitudinal studies, suggest the need for further research to validate these findings across diverse contexts. Recommendations for future studies include exploring the effects of work-life balance in various industries and cultural settings, as well as implementing comprehensive work-life balance initiatives to improve employee engagement and organizational performance. This research underscores the importance of prioritizing work-life balance to foster a productive and satisfied workforce, particularly among Generation Z.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSENAMA The Determinant of Financial Literacy Among Youth: A Bibliometric Study on Current Research and Future Directions2024-10-30T05:23:27+00:00Irma<p>Financial literacy is an important competency that enables individuals to make wise and sustainable financial decisions. Especially for the younger generation, financial literacy can be a strong foundation to face economic challenges in the future. This study aims to analyze the development and pattern of research on financial literacy for the younger generation through a bibliometric approach<strong>. </strong>This study uses a bibliometric analysis method to broadcast publications related to financial literacy for the younger generation. Data were collected from leading scientific databases such as Scopus which have been selected based on the year of publication. Bibliometric analysis shows a significant increase in the number of publications related to financial literacy for the younger generation over the past decade. The most frequently discussed topics include financial education, financial decision-making, and social influences on financial literacy. This study reveals that financial literacy for the younger generation is a global concern with significant growth in relevant literature. This study concludes that financial literacy for the younger generation is a rapidly growing field of research involving various disciplines. These findings can be the basis for the development of more effective educational policies and programs in improving the financial literacy of the younger generation worldwide.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSENAMA Impact of Talent Shortage towards Financial Performance: A Literature<p><em>This review delves into how talent shortages affect organizational financial performance, stressing the vital role of talent management practices in overcoming these issues. As the need for skilled workers surpasses the available supply, organizations encounter major threats to their operational efficiency and profitability. The review consolidates existing research, showing that successful talent management practices such as recruiting, developing, and retaining talent are crucial for staying competitive in the market. Additionally, it looks at contextual elements, like organizational culture and location, which affect how talent shortages impact financial performance in multinational corporations. It highlights the necessity of aligning talent management with wider organizational goals to build resilience against talent deficits. The review also explores the mediating effect of employee engagement in this context. Employees who are engaged are more likely to stay with their organizations and positively influence performance, even during periods of talent scarcity. The results indicate that cultivating an engaging work environment not only improves retention but also boosts productivity, leading to better financial results. By drawing on various studies, this review offers a thorough understanding of how organizations can address the complexities of talent shortages through effective talent management and employee engagement strategies. These insights are valuable for practitioners aiming to improve organizational performance in a highly competitive labor market. In summary, the literature demonstrates the complex relationship between talent shortages, talent management practices, and financial performance. Organizations that actively manage talent shortages and promote employee engagement are better positioned for long-term financial success. Future research should explore innovative efforts in talent management and the changing dynamics of the labor market to further refine best practices in this important area.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSENAMA